
Who Was In Control Of Communist North Vietnam

The Vietnam War was ostensibly a civil state of war between the communist North and pro-Western South. However the Vietnamese didn't exercise all the fighting. The Us and many other countries intervened, propping up both sides—but particularly South Vietnam—with troops, weapons and supplies and turning what started as a small guerrilla uprising into a major Cold War-era conflict.

Below is a list of nations that played a role in the Vietnam State of war, and details on what motivated them to get involved.

READ MORE: Vietnam War Timeline

French republic

France had been a long-time occupier of Vietnam earlier 1954. It wanted no part of the new conflict.

After Earth War II, France reoccupied Vietnam as part of its attempt to reclaim its prewar empire. "The French had controlled Vietnam for a couple of generations," explains Ed Moise, a professor of history at Clemson Academy and writer of Tonkin Gulf and the Escalation of the Vietnam War. "They were determined to go on belongings it, both as a matter of national pride and because if they permit 1 colony become loose, and so the others might get ideas."

French Indochina War

Bombs ready to be loaded onto a French aircraft for the long drawn out Dien Bien Phu Battle of the Indochina War on April ten, 1954.

Most Vietnamese, however, opposed colonial rule, and a rebellion broke out led past communist and pro-independence leader Ho Chi Minh. In 1954, Ho's forces won a decisive victory at Dien Bien Phu and succeeded in evicting the French once and for all.

When the 2d Indochina War, or Vietnam War, as it'southward known in the United states of america, began presently after, France stayed well away. In fact, French President Charles de Gaulle warned his U.S. analogue, John F. Kennedy Jr., that Vietnam would be a "bottomless military and political swamp." Though prescient, the advice ultimately went unheeded.

United States

The United States got involved to prevent Due south Vietnam from falling into communist hands. At first, the U.Southward. operated behind the scenes, but later 1964, sent combat troops and became more deeply mired in the state of war.

Post-obit France's defeat in the Showtime Indochina War, an international agreement divided Vietnam in two. Ho led the North, whereas the U.S.-backed Ngo Dinh Diem took accuse of the Southward. Elections were planned to reunite the state within two years, but Diem, with U.S. approval, never submitted to a vote that he feared losing. Instead, a communist insurgency broke out, pitting the so-called Viet Cong, who were sponsored by North Vietnam, against Diem'southward forces.

Determined to forestall Southward Vietnam from falling into communist hands, the United states of america propped up Diem with billions of dollars in assistance, besides equally increasing numbers of war machine advisers. As the Pentagon Papers later revealed, "the Diem regime certainly, and an contained South Vietnam nigh as certainly, could not have survived" without U.Due south. assistance.

U.S. officials somewhen soured on Diem, tacitly approval a 1963 coup that resulted in his expiry. Yet their support for Due south Vietnam never wavered, no matter who occupied the White House.

After a while, "no 1 thinks they're going to win," says James McAllister, a political scientific discipline professor at Williams College, "just they're damn sure a loss is not going to accept identify under their scout."

READ MORE: How the Vietnam War Ratcheted Up Nether five US Presidents

At first, the Us largely operated behind the scenes. In 1964, even so, the and then-called Gulf of Tonkin incident prompted President Lyndon B. Johnson to commit gainsay troops and launch a massive bombing campaign, and U.S. involvement only deepened from in that location.

By the time American forces finally withdrew in 1973, almost one thousand thousand U.South. soldiers had served in Vietnam, more than than 58,000 had died, and the nation had racked upward a staggering bill of at least $111 billion (plus billions more in non-military machine costs).

READ More than: Why Were Vietnam War Vets Treated Poorly When They Returned?

The French and American experiences in Vietnam differed in many respects. Nevertheless, as Moise points out, they both learned i important lesson: "Information technology's dangerous to make it a fight when the other side cares about winning more than you do."


Newly communist Red china had supported Ho Chi Minh  during the war with the French, and continued to do then during the war with the U.S. by providing weapons, expertise and manpower.

Despite being in bad economic shape at the time, newly Communist Mainland china aided Ho during the state of war with the French, and did then again during the war with the Americans, providing weapons, expertise, and manpower. All told, the Chinese claimed to take spent over $20 billion in support of North Vietnam and deployed 320,000 armed services personnel, more than four,000 of whom died.

Poster entitled "Support Vietnam People," circa 1969, showing China's support of the Communist cause in Vietnam. 

Poster entitled "Support Vietnam People," circa 1969, showing Prc's support of the Communist crusade in Vietnam.

For the nigh part, the Chinese stayed in the background, rebuilding areas destroyed by U.S. bombs and manning anti-aircraft batteries. Only perhaps their biggest role was preemptive: They fabricated it articulate that if U.S. ground troops invaded North Vietnam, and so they would respond in kind.

Unlike during the Korean War, the U.s.a. yielded to this threat. "Their function is as a tripwire," Moise says, "a alarm to the Americans: 'Don't get as well far… or you'll exist fighting the states.'"

China and the Soviet Union didn't have to do as much as the Americans, Moise explains, because they were buttressing the stronger side. Nonetheless, "if there had been no Chinese or Soviet support, the North Vietnamese could non accept won," he says, pointing out that the U.Southward. military budget was roughly 30 times greater than the entire gross national production of North Vietnam.

Soviet Matrimony

As the original communist land, the Soviet Union aided Northward Vietnam, with increasing support in the late 1960s. While the U.Due south.Due south.R. supplied some troops, their biggest contribution was in weaponry.

Curlicue to Proceed

Though it originally took little interest in the Vietnam War, the Soviet Wedlock secretly ramped up its aid to North Vietnam following Nikita Khrushchev'southward fall from power. The Soviets wanted to "make life difficult for the The states," McAllister says, "but they didn't want to practise it in a way that got them in a conflict with the United States."

Soviet involvement in the war increased in the tardily 1960s, just every bit Mainland china'southward influence was lessening. (The two countries were undergoing a biting dissever at the time.)

A Cold War-era billboard in Moscow showing bombs raining down on Uncle Sam reading, 'Aggressors out of Vietnam!' in 1968.

A Cold War-era billboard in Moscow showing bombs raining down on Uncle Sam reading, 'Aggressors out of Vietnam!' in1968.

Among other weapons, the USSR provided surface-to-air missiles that the Chinese weren't yet technologically capable of producing. The Soviets even allegedly shot down some U.S. planes. Overall, though, they pumped but well-nigh 3,000 troops into the conflict, far fewer than the Chinese.


Lao people's democratic republic was originally neutral in the disharmonize, merely the North Vietnamese moved troops through the land and supported a communist insurgency. That insurgency drew heavy U.S. bombing.

In 1962, the Us, both Vietnams, and several other nations agreed to respect the neutrality of and not interfere in the diplomacy of Laos, which borders Vietnam to the westward. North Vietnam immediately broke the accord, however, moving troops and supplies through Laos rather than traversing the heavily guarded demilitarized zone that separated it from Due south Vietnam.

The North Vietnamese besides came to boss a communist insurgency against the royalist government of Prince Souvanna Phouma, relegating the local Laotian Communists to what Moise describes as "junior partners."

In response to these North Vietnamese transgressions, the Americans covertly rained down billions of pounds of bombs on Laos. The nine-year campaign was so intense that, on average, a planeload of explosives fell every 8 minutes, making Laos, per capita, the almost heavily bombed nation on earth. Unexploded munitions from the Vietnam War-era continue to kill Laotians (and Vietnamese and Cambodians) to this twenty-four hours.

The CIA-sponsored "Secret Army" of Major Gen. Vang Pao at Long Cheng, where the U. S. and Laotian governments permitted newsmen a rare glimpse of the base in 1972. A converted T-28 trainer aircraft is seen near 250-pound bombs used by Meo pilots of Vang Pao's "mini-Air Force" against North Vietnamese in northern Laos.

The CIA-sponsored "Secret Army" of Major Gen. Vang Pao at Long Cheng, where the U. South. and Laotian governments permitted newsmen a rare glimpse of the base in 1972. A converted T-28 trainer shipping is seen virtually 250-pound bombs used by Meo pilots of Vang Pao'south "mini-Air Force" against North Vietnamese in northern Lao people's democratic republic.

Meanwhile, President Richard Nixon authorized a cantankerous-border invasion of Laos in 1971. All the same, no matter what they tried, the Americans never succeeded in seriously disrupting North Vietnamese supply lines, nor did they forbid the autumn of Laos to the communists in 1975.

Kingdom of cambodia

Cambodia, while officially neutral, tolerated communist intrusions—and was bombed by the United States for those intrusions.

Unsurprisingly, the North Vietnamese likewise moved troops and supplies through neighboring Cambodia, which, though officially neutral, tolerated the communist intrusions.

Prince Norodom Sihanouk "basically felt that he was surrounded by dangerous enemies, and he had to make squeamish with some of them," Moise says, calculation that "he could not afford to offend" the Northward Vietnamese despite beingness "anti-communist in Cambodian politics."

The Usa responded with a secret bombing entrada that Nixon drastically ramped up in 1969. Nixon then sent troops beyond the border in 1970, taking advantage of a coup that ousted Sihanouk in favor of a pro-American full general.

U.S. bombs killed tens of thousands of Cambodians, which, some historians debate, may have increased pop support for the Khmer Rouge, a communist insurgency group that initiated a barbarous genocide upon taking ability in 1975.

Though Vietnamese communists centrolineal with the Khmer Rouge during the Vietnam War, they somewhen deposed the regime in 1979.

Due south Korea and Other U.Southward. Allies

South Korea  was the principal U.Due south. and South Vietnamese partner, contributing more than 300,000 troops to the war.

Not wanting to be seen every bit going it alone, the Johnson assistants pressured other countries to bring together in the Vietnam State of war, much as George Westward. Bush would subsequently class a "coalition of the willing" to fight in the Iraq War.

South korea was the chief U.S. and South Vietnamese partner, providing over 300,000 troops and suffering some 5,000 deaths. "The Koreans sent more troops and much more aggressive troops [than other U.S. allies]," Moise says.

He explains that they were partially motivated past a sense of obligation and ideological sympathy: After all, they could non help but observe the historical parallels between themselves and South Vietnam. Notwithstanding, they were also being paid off by the United States in the form of economic and military assistance.

Fiscal aid, along with a desire to curry favor with the United States, drew in boosted countries also. So, too, did a legitimate fear of Communism, Moise says.

In the cease, almost threescore,000 Australians served (521 of whom died), about 40,000 Thais served (321 of whom died), and over 3,000 New Zealanders served (37 of whom died). The Philippines, Taiwan and Spain as well aided the U.S. war endeavor, whereas on the communist side North Korea and Cuba purportedly sent token support.


The Vietnam War was described as a civil war within S Vietnam, although it became a proxy war between Common cold War powers. Equally a result, the Vietnamese suffered the highest casualties in the conflict.

Brutal tactics were the norm during the Vietnam War, and no one suffered more the Vietnamese themselves, both in the N and the South. By 1975, when N Vietnamese troops took Saigon and reunified the nation under communist dominion, an estimated 1 million to iii million Vietnamese had perished, many of them civilians.


Who Was In Control Of Communist North Vietnam,


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