3-Style Handshake

Domain 2

Eric Conrad , ... Joshua Feldman , in CISSP Study Guide (2nd Edition), 2012

The TCP handshake

TCP uses a 3-way handshake to found a reliable connection. The connection is full duplex, and both sides synchronize (SYN) and acknowledge (ACK) each other. The exchange of these four flags is performed in three steps—SYN, SYN-ACK, and ACK—as shown in Figure three.8.

Figure 3.8. TCP Three-Way Handshake.

The customer chooses an initial sequence number, gear up in the first SYN packet. The server also chooses its own initial sequence number, set in the SYN/ACK packet shown in Effigy three.viii. Each side acknowledges each other'due south sequence number by incrementing it; this is the acknowledgement number. The use of sequence and acknowledgment numbers allows both sides to detect missing or out-of-order segments.

Once a connexion is established, ACKs typically follow for each segment. The connection will eventually end with a RST (reset or tear down the connexion) or FIN (gracefully end the connexion).

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Domain 4: Communication and Network Security (Designing and Protecting Network Security)

Eric Conrad , ... Joshua Feldman , in CISSP Study Guide (Third Edition), 2016

The TCP handshake

TCP uses a three-way handshake to establish a reliable connectedness. The connection is full duplex, and both sides synchronize (SYN) and admit (ACK) each other. The exchange of these four flags is performed in three steps: SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK, equally shown in Figure v.8.

Figure v.8. TCP Three-Style Handshake

The client chooses an initial sequence number, ready in the first SYN packet. The server as well chooses its ain initial sequence number, set up in the SYN/ACK packet shown in Effigy five.8. Each side acknowledges each other'south sequence number past incrementing it: this is the acknowledgement number. The use of sequence and acknowledgement numbers allows both sides to detect missing or out-of-order segments.

Once a connection is established, ACKs typically follow for each segment. The connection volition eventually end with a RST (reset or tear down the connection) or FIN (gracefully end the connection).

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William Buchanan BSc (Hons), CEng, PhD , in Computer Busses, 2000

24.7 Opening and endmost a connection

Effigy 24.vii shows a basic three-way handshake. The steps are:

Figure 24.7. TCP connectedness


The initial land on the initiator is Airtight and, on the recipient, information technology is Listen (the recipient is waiting for a connection see figure 24.7).


The initiator goes into the SYN-SENT state and sends a packet with the SYN fleck gear up and then indicates that the starting sequence number will be 999 (the electric current sequence number, thus the next number sent volition be 1000). When this is received the recipient goes into the SYN-RECEIVED land.


The recipient sends dorsum a TCP package with the SYN and ACK $.25 set (which identifies that it is a SYN packet and also that information technology is acknowledging the previous SYN parcel). In this case, the recipient tells the originator that it volition commencement transmitting at a sequence number of 100. The acknowledgement number is thousand, which is the sequence number that the recipient expects to receive adjacent. When this is received, the originator goes into the ESTABLISHED state.


The originator sends back a TCP package with the SYN and ACK $.25 set and the acknowledgement number is 101, which is the sequence number it expects to see side by side.


The originator transmits data with the sequence number of 1000.

Notation that the acknowledgement number acknowledges every sequence number up to but non including the acknowledgement number.

Figure 24.8 shows how the three-manner handshake prevents erstwhile duplicate connection initiations from causing confusion. In land 3, a duplicate SYN has been received, which is from a previous connection. The recipient sends dorsum an acknowledgement for this (iv), but when this is received by the originator, the originator sends back a RST (reset) package. This causes the recipient to go back into a Heed state. Information technology will then receive the SYN packet sent in ii, and after acknowledging it, a connection is made.

Figure 24.8. TCP connection with duplicate connections

TCP connections are half-open if one of the TCPs has airtight or aborted, and the other end is still connected. They can likewise occur if the two connections have become desynchronised because of a system crash. This connection is automatically reset if data is sent in either direction. This is because the sequence numbers will be incorrect, otherwise the connection will time-out.

A connection is usually closed with the Close phone call. A host who has closed cannot continue to transport, but can go along to RECEIVE until information technology is told to close past the other side. Figure 24.ix shows a typical sequence for closing a connexion. Normally the awarding program sends a CLOSE call for the given connection. Side by side, a TCP package is sent with the FIN bit set, the originator enters into the FIN-Look-one state. When the other TCP has best-selling the FIN and sent a FIN of its own, the first TCP can ACK this FIN.

Effigy 24.9. TCP close connection

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Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Ray Hunt , in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003

Two.Eastward.ii TCP Connexion Establishment

As discussed above, a connection is established using a three-mode handshake procedure. The menstruum of information in each direction of a connection is controlled independently so as to avoid ambivalence with initial sequence numbers. These are in turn acknowledged as part of the handshake procedure. Figure ten shows this iii-way handshake establishment.

Figure 10. TCP connectedness institution.

The initiating side sends a segment with the SYN flag ready and the proposed initial sequence number in the sequence number field (SEQ = X). On receipt of this, the responding side notes the sequence number setting for the incoming management and and then returns a segment with both the SYN and ACK flags set up with the sequence number field set up to its own assigned value for the reverse management (SEQ = Y) and a piggy backed acknowledgement field of X + i (PACK = X + 1) to confirm it has noted the initial value for its incoming direction. On receipt of this, the initiating returns a segment with the ACK flag set up and a piggybacked acknowledgement field of Y + 1.

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The Enemy (The Intruder's Genesis)

Pramod Pandya , in Calculator and Information Security Handbook (3rd Edition), 2013

Transmission Control Protocol Session Hijacking

Let us call back that a TCP session starts out with a 3-mode handshake betwixt the ii nodes (one node is a customer, and the other node is a server) that would like to establish a session betwixt them. The nodes would exchange a sequence of TCP segments with well-defined sequence numbers to found an active session. This active session is normally terminated past an exchange of FIN (finish) packet or abruptly with RST (reset) packets.

If a would-be hijacker were to correctly judge the sequence number of TCP segments betwixt the ii nodes, then it is quite possible that the hijacker could hijack the session before that session gets established between the original TCP customer and the server. The original client would however send an ACK segment to the server, simply the server would assume that it has received a duplicate segment with a matching sequence number, and thus ignore, as this happens quite a lot of times on the network. This scenario is non a consummate description of session hijacking, but simply an overview.

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Transmission Command Protocol

Walter Goralski , in The Illustrated Network (2d Edition), 2017

Connection Establishment

Let's look at the normal TCP connexion establishment's three-way handshake in some detail. The three messages establish three of import pieces of information that both sides of the connection need to know.


The ISNs to utilize for approachable data (in order to deter hackers, these should non be anticipated).


The buffer space (window) available locally for data, in bytes.


The Maximum Segment Size (MSS) is a TCP Pick and sets the largest segment that the local host will accept. The MSS is commonly the link MTU size minus the xl bytes of the TCP and IP headers, but many implementations use segments of 512 or 536 bytes (it's a maximum, non a demand).

A server issues a passive open and waits for a client's agile open SYN, which in this case has an ISN of 2000, a window of 5840 bytes and an MSS of 1460 (common considering most hosts are on Ethernet LANs). The window is well-nigh e'er a multiple of the MSS (1460×four=5840 bytes). The server responds with a SYN and declares the connectedness open, setting its ain ISN to 4000, and "acknowledging" sequence number 2001 (information technology really means "the next byte I get from you lot in a segment should exist numbered 2001"). The server also established a window of 8760 bytes and an MSS of 1460 (1460×half-dozen=8760 bytes).

Finally, the client declares the connexion open up and returns an ACK (a segment with the ACK chip fix in the header) with the sequence number expected (2001) and the acknowledgment field gear up to 4001 (which the server expects). TCP sequence numbers count every byte on the data stream, and the 32-chip sequence field allows more than four billion bytes to be outstanding (nevertheless, loftier-speed transports such as Gigabit Ethernet roll this field over too rapidly for comfort, so special "scaling" mechanisms are available for these link speeds).

TCP's three-mode handshake has ii important functions. It makes sure that both sides know that they are ready to transfer information and information technology likewise allows both sides to hold on the initial sequence numbers, which are sent and best-selling (so there is no mistake about them) during the handshake. Why are the initial sequence numbers then of import? If the sequence numbers are not randomized and fix properly, information technology is possible for malicious users to hijack the TCP session (which can be reliable connections to a bank, a store, or some other commercial entity). Each device chooses a random initial sequence number to begin counting every byte in the stream sent. How tin the two devices hold on both sequence number values in about just iii messages? Each segment contains a split up sequence number field and acquittance field. In Figure 12.3, the client chooses an initial sequence number (ISN) in the commencement SYN sent to the server. The server ACKs the ISN by adding i to the proposed ISN (ACKs ever inform the sender of the next byte expected) and sending information technology in the SYN sent to the client to advise its ain ISN. The client's ISN could be rejected, if, for instance, the number is the same equally used for the previous connection, but that is not considered here. Usually, the ACK from the client both acknowledges the ISN from the server (with server's ISN + 1 in the acknowledgment field) and the connectedness is established with both sides agreeing on ISN. Note that no information is sent in the three-way handshake; it should be held until the connection is established.

This three-way handshake is the universal mechanism for opening a TCP connection. Oddly, the RFC does not insist that connections begin this way, especially with regard to setting other control $.25 in the TCP header (there are three others in improver to SYN and ACK and FIN). Considering TCP really expects some control bits to be used during connectedness institution and release, and others merely during information transfer, hackers can cause a lot of impairment only by messing effectually with wild combinations of the six control bits, especially SYN/ACK/FIN, which asks for, uses, and releases a connection all at the same fourth dimension. For instance, forging a SYN within the window of an existing SYN would cause a reset. For this reason, developers take get more rigorous in their estimation of RFC 793.

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Terminate-to-Finish Protocols

Larry Fifty. Peterson , Bruce Due south. Davie , in Estimator Networks (Fifth Edition), 2012

Three-Way Handshake

The algorithm used by TCP to institute and terminate a connexion is called a 3-way handshake . Nosotros showtime describe the basic algorithm and and so evidence how it is used by TCP. The three-way handshake involves the exchange of three messages betwixt the client and the server, as illustrated by the timeline given in Effigy 5.6.

Figure 5.6. Timeline for three-way handshake algorithm.

The idea is that two parties desire to agree on a set of parameters, which, in the example of opening a TCP connectedness, are the starting sequence numbers the two sides programme to use for their respective byte streams. In full general, the parameters might be whatever facts that each side wants the other to know about. First, the client (the active participant) sends a segment to the server (the passive participant) stating the initial sequence number it plans to apply (Flags = SYN, SequenceNum = ten). The server then responds with a single segment that both acknowledges the client'south sequence number (Flags = ACK, Ack = ten + i) and states its own outset sequence number (Flags = SYN, SequenceNum = y). That is, both the SYN and ACK $.25 are set in the Flags field of this second message. Finally, the client responds with a tertiary segment that acknowledges the server's sequence number (Flags = ACK, Ack = y + i). The reason why each side acknowledges a sequence number that is i larger than the one sent is that the Acknowledgment field actually identifies the "side by side sequence number expected," thereby implicitly acknowledging all earlier sequence numbers. Although non shown in this timeline, a timer is scheduled for each of the first two segments, and if the expected response is non received the segment is retransmitted.

You may be asking yourself why the client and server have to exchange starting sequence numbers with each other at connexion setup time. It would be simpler if each side simply started at some "well-known" sequence number, such as 0. In fact, the TCP specification requires that each side of a connection select an initial starting sequence number at random. The reason for this is to protect against two incarnations of the aforementioned connectedness reusing the same sequence numbers too before long—that is, while at that place is all the same a gamble that a segment from an earlier incarnation of a connection might interfere with a later incarnation of the connection.

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Scanning and enumeration

Jeremy Faircloth , in Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit (Third Edition), 2011

3.2.ii.3 TCP versus UDP scanning

A TCP connectedness involves the use of all of the steps involved in the standard TCP three-fashion handshake. In a standard 3-way handshake, that is the following sequence:

Source sends SYN to target

Target responds with SYN-ACK

Source responds with ACK

After that sequence, a connection is considered established. As nosotros've discussed already, stealth TCP scanning makes employ of part of the handshake, but never completes the connexion. In a stealth browse, the final ACK is never sent back to the target thus the connection is not established.

Scanning UDP is more difficult every bit it is a connectionless protocol and does not employ a handshake like TCP. With UDP, the following sequence is used:

Source sends UDP packet to target

Target checks to see if the port/protocol is agile and so takes action appropriately

This makes scanning UDP ports peculiarly challenging. If you receive a response, it will be one of three types: an ICMP type 3 message if the port is closed and the firewall allows the traffic, a disallowed message from the firewall, or a response from the service itself. Otherwise, no response could hateful that the port is open, just it could as well mean that the traffic was blocked or simply didn't make it to the target.

While it's typically faster and more productive to perform TCP scans, it can sometimes be worth the time and endeavour to perform a UDP scan as well. Many administrators tend to focus more on securing TCP-based services and often don't consider UDP-based services when determining their security policies. With this in mind, you tin can sometimes notice (and exploit) vulnerabilities in UDP-based services, giving you lot another potential entry point to your target organization.

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Introduction to General Security Concepts

Derrick Rountree , in Security for Microsoft Windows System Administrators, 2011


CHAP is the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. CHAP is considered more than secure than PAP. CHAP uses a iii-way handshake when establishing the connexion. After the link is established, the server will transport a challenge back to the client. The client and so responds with a hashed value. The server volition so bank check this value confronting the value information technology calculated using the hash. If the values are the same, then the connectedness is established. Since the hashed value is transmitted instead of the bodily countersign, the connection procedure is considered more secure.

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Dr. Patrick Engebretson , in The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing (Second Edition), 2013

The Iii-Way Handshake

When 2 machines on any given network want to communicate using TCP, they do so by completing the three-mode handshake. This process is very similar to a telephone conversation (at to the lowest degree before everyone had caller ID!). When you desire to talk to someone, you choice upwards the phone and dial the number, the receiver picks up the ringing phone not knowing who the caller is and says "Hello?", the original caller then introduces himself by proverb "Hullo, this is Dave Kennedy!" In response to this, the receiver will often admit the caller by maxim "Oh, hi Dave!" At this point both people have enough information for the conversation to continue as normal.

Computers work much the same manner. When ii computers want to talk, they become through a similar process. The get-go reckoner connects to the second estimator past sending an SYN packet to a specified port number. If the 2nd computer is listening, information technology will respond with an SYN/ACK. When the first computer receives the SYN/ACK, information technology replies with an ACK packet. At this bespeak, the 2 machines can communicate usually. In our phone case above, the original dialer is similar sending the SYN package. The receiver picking up the phone and maxim "Hello?" is like the SYN/ACK packet and the original caller introducing himself is like the ACK parcel.

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